How Quality Translations can help Law Firms Gain a Competitive Edge against Competitors

A few days ago one of my clients, a small law firm based in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, called me with great news.

They are the kind of start-up law firm that I appreciate seeing growing up: a small but highly dedicated team of professionals that do not have a one million-dollar budget available to support their advertising efforts and, as a result, must rely on their own on-target expertise and professional skills to build up their clientele.

The flow of translations they used to order from us was small and sporadic – at first.

As a matter of fact, they had only one client whose services called for the translation of their legal documents from Portuguese into English, i.e. a large-sized multinational operating in the world mining segment.

They knew they were the second-choice law firm for this multinational; another traditional legal firm was the main player for the “bigger” contracts.

But all of sudden the multi began to assign them more and more work. That, of course, was really amazing and warmly welcomed but at the same time it made them wonder: “Why just now after almost two years working together?”

That was the question the senior partner of the law firm asked the multi’s Chief Legal Officer, who put it more or less this way:

Our Corporate in the US thinks the reports in English you’ve submitted lately on the development of our legal cases you’re in charge of clearly demonstrate your skills have improved, so we decided to offer you more job assignments

On his way back home, the partner tried to figure out what exactly in their legal reports caused such a change in their view.

On the following day, the partner talked to his colleagues about it and one of them came up with the answer: It wasn’t the reports; it was the translation supplier they had switched!

The content and the legal views they expressed in the reports were the same. What really changed was their translation into English.

In the partner’s view there was nothing wrong with the old translations. Yet after checking out the old translations they’d bought from another supplier, believe me: they were definitely the reason for the multinational’s view changing.

Put yourself in their American clients’ shoes in the Corporate Office. They probably thought:

These lawyer guys from Brazil have submitted reports with legal terms we really use here in the US, their wording is fluent and it’s easy to understand what’s going on in our legal cases. Additionally the course of action they propose us are coherently explained. They’ve really showcased talent and familiarity with big international accounts

If you purchase poor quality translations for your company, no matter how great your services are or how phenomenal your legal expertise is… all of them will ultimately be… lost in translation.


Because your international clients probably do not know you outsource the translation of your legal documents: they think you yourself write them in English. It’s the translation that speaks on your behalf.

Lawyers and other professionals do not need to be ‘Jacks or Jills of all trades” and master everything – from legal and marketing know-how to stylistics applied to foreign languages in highly specific technical fields.

Rather they must focus on their core business and rely on outside translation partners capable of providing them with services really capable of fostering their legal excellence, not demolishing them in the translation process.

Our translation solutions are designed to assist our clients make a positive impact on their business by providing helpful insights,critical intelligence and putting our extensive experience in international contracts to work for them.